Product Description
The Esprit is unique in the way it folds and dismantles for transport. The motors are built into the quick-release wheels, and can be removed with ease. The battery can be detached in seconds, and the frame folds up much like a standard manual wheelchair. The heaviest part is just 15 kg, allowing it to be lifted into and out of a car with minimal strain – most other folding powerchairs involve lifting 25 – 30 kg in one!
The compact wheelbase provides great manoeuvrability when driving your Esprit indoors, and the length has been reduced compared to the original Esprit with the rear wheels moved forwards. This also has the benefit of improving traction, while the integrated gyro technology provides smooth driving on slopes. Both the front castors and the large 14 inch rear wheels feature pneumatic tyres for a smooth and comfortable drive experience.
Unlike typical folding powerchairs, which offer “one size fits all” seating – which very often doesn’t – the Esprit is a built-to-order configurable powered wheelchair. This allows it to be built to provide a perfect fit for your shape and size, as well as having a wide range of options, such as alternate backrests, specialist pressure cushions, legrests, armrests and more. We’ve fitted Jay backrests and other clinical seating solutions to Esprits in the past – there’s no other folding powerchair that can accommodate advanced seating requirements.
Also of note is the swing-away legrests – many people struggle with forwards transfers from folding powerchairs, as their central legrests often get in the way. The Esprit Action’s legrests swing away sideways, providing plenty of space to place your legs just in front of the wheelchair, to aid standing.
Esprit Action Junior
A paediatric version of the Esprit Action is available for children (pictured in light blue with yellow accents), with smaller seat sizes that can be adjusted over time as your child. There are few other folding powerchairs in children’s sizes, and none that can grow as the Esprit does.
We think the Esprit Action is a great looking, modern wheelchair. The frame is available in a choice of colours, and accents of lime or black can be chosen. Particularly popular is the all-black look, complemented by the modern black LCD joystick, black tyres, and black wheel hubs.
Our Verdict
There’s nothing else like Invacare’s Esprit Action. Regular folding powerchairs require you to lift them all in one, and their weight is often beyond many people. The Esprit’s unique design entirely overcomes this. The seating is the other thing that sets it apart – it can be adapted to cater for more clinical requirements, and even for those with more standard seating requirements, it provides far more comfort thanks to its made to measure seating.
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